What should you do if you find a bird that died under a power line?

Scheme for contacting a public authority

  1. At the site, determine and record coordinates. Take pictures:
  • remains of a dead bird (close-up of wing, legs, tail, head and general perspective);
  • the nearest overhead line structure (pole number and marking, traverse, insulators and wire attachment points);
  • take a photo of a navigator, smartphone or other device with the coordinates indicated on the screen against the background of a dead bird;
  • record the coordinates, date and time on the photo (e.g., by taking a photo of a GPS navigator or smartphone with the specified coordinates against the background of the dead bird).
  1. Identify the owner of the OPL.
    The owner of the overhead line may be indicated on the line support (in the form of markings) or on the nearest transformer substation. In case of their absence, identify the nearest production site of any enterprise or the nearest settlement.
  1. Contact an expert to determine the species identity of the dead bird. Get an "expert's report".
  2. Submit an appeal via the eOtinish platform to the Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources via the mobile application of the electronic government eGov mobile or the site eotinish.kz . Fill in the following items on the platform:
  • Type of Code: Code of Administrative Offenses or Code of Criminal Procedure (in cases of mass deaths).
  • Appeal Type: The message.
  • State Authority: Republican State Institution "Committee of Forestry and Wildlife of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
  • Description: The text of the appeal (see below) must be at least 100 characters long.
  • Point to the map: Not specified.
  • Files: Attach photos of bird remains, power line structures and "conclusion" (the total file size is no more than 80 MB, the number of up to 10 files. Formats: png, pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, tiff, bmp, doc, docx, xls, xlsx.
  • Actual address: Enter the actual residential address.
  • Sign via EDS or Digital ID and send.
  1. Send a copy of the appeal to the Center for the Study and Conservation of Biodiversity by e-mail office@brcc.kz .

The eOtinish website