A series of training workshops on “Birds and Energy”



  • According to the results of studies by Russian and Kazakh experts, an average of 9 birds of prey (including rare birds listed in the Red Book) per every 10 km of overhead power lines (OPL) with a capacity of 6-10 kV are killed by electric shock in Kazakhstan every year. The length of 6-10 kV OPL in Kazakhstan is more than 80 thousand kilometers.
  • In world practice, bird mortality at wind power plants (WPP) varies widely from 0.006 to 56.2 birds per turbine per year. In Kazakhstan, there are no extensive studies of bird mortality at wind power plants. At the same time, most WPPs in Kazakhstan are located on the migration routes of rare birds or near their nesting sites. Underestimation of these factors can carry reputational, environmental and financial risks for investors and for Kazakhstan as a whole.

In order to raise awareness of different categories of listeners about the risks, threats, scale of the problem, as well as the ways and methods of its solution, the Center for Biodiversity Research and Conservation (BRCC) is organizing a series of online seminars on the topic of bird deaths at linear power transmission (LPT) and wind power generation (WPP) facilities.

Seminar Program

1. Birds and Energy: How States can conserve biodiversity

Date and time: November 13, 2024, 17:00-18:00 GMT+5

Format: Online (ZOOM-conference, Russian with simultaneous translation into Kazakh)

Listeners: employees performing environmental control functions, conducting environmental assessment, monitoring compliance with environmental legislation

Main topics covered during the lecture

  • Relevance of the problem
  • How birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
  • How many and which birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
  • Applicable international and national requirements
  • Kazakhstan cases
  • Modern solutions
  • Tariffs and solvency of overhead line owners
  • Impact of the proposed measures on the energy sector and SMEs
  • Stages and instruments of state control

2. Birds and energy: risks for the investor

Date and time: November 26, 2024, 17:00-18:00 GMT+5

Format: Online (ZOOM conference)

Listeners: investment project managers, auditors/verifiers of non-financial information, ESG rating agency staff, and other stakeholders who want to learn more about biodiversity risks in the electricity sector.

Main topics covered during the lecture

  • Relevance of the problem
  • How birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
  • How many and which birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
  • Applicable international and national environmental requirements
  • Modern solutions
  • International standards on ESG and biodiversity
  • Main risks for investors associated with biodiversity conservation violations

3. Birds and Energy: Current Challenges and Solutions

Date and time: December 3, 2024, 17:00-18:00 GMT+5

Format: Online (ZOOM conference)

Listeners: ecologists, ESG officers, sustainability specialists of energy companies designing or implementing power projects

  1. Main topics covered during the lecture
  • Relevance of the problem
  • How birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
  • How many and which birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
  • Applicable international and national environmental requirements
  • Modern solutions, extended overview
  • Basic approaches to conducting biodiversity research



Contacts for organizational matters:

  • Nurlan Ongarbayev, BRCC Executive Director
    E-mail: office@brcc.kz, phone: +7 (701) 757 0051
  • Dmitry Zhukov, BRCC Project Manager
    E-mail: dzhukov@brcc.kz, phone: +7 (747) 557 9574