Steppe eagle
The Steppe Eagle (Aquila nipalensis) is a symbol of the steppe of Kazakhstan. 68.5-82.2% of the world population of the species breeds in the republic. The number of the species for 2018 in Kazakhstan amounted to 25500-46065 pairs. The number of the steppe eagle is decreasing (RRRCN).
Conservation status
“Endangered” (EN) listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN);
“Restored, in need of constant monitoring” (Category V) in the Red Book of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Source link) or (PDF File);
Included in Appendix II of the CITES Convention;
Included in the List of rare and endangered animal species of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
A large eagle with wide and long wings and a short rounded tail. Coloration of adult birds is monophonic dark brown. The flight feathers underneath are the same color as the wing coverts and belly, or darker than them, with a clearly visible transverse striping. There is a white spot on the upper tail. There is a rusty or ocher spot on the back of the head, the size of which varies significantly in different individuals. Young and semi-adult birds have a narrow white stripe on the underside of the wing, formed by large undercoverts of the flight feathers (the so-called “juvenile” stripe), which clearly distinguishes Steppe Eagles of this age from other eagle species (RRRCN).
Species distribution
Breeds in steppes, semi-deserts, and deserts throughout central Kazakhstan. Found everywhere on roaming and migration (
- Death from an electric shock on overhead power lines (OPL) with a capacity of 6-10 kV.
- Habitat loss;
- Poisoning in wintering areas;
- Illegal catch and trade;