Successful & responsible business

laptop and book, coffee on gray background, Top view of office desk on textured

Responsible business

World practice shows that not every large business assumes voluntary social or environmental obligations. Sometimes small businesses mature faster than large or medium-sized businesses and voluntarily assume significant public roles and responsibilities.

Voluntary environmental responsibility is viewed by many companies as an unwelcome task that is required to comply with international standards and business norms. We do not share this approach and reject “greenwashing” (greenwashing – PR and marketing aimed at misleading external stakeholders about the organization's environmental goals in order to present it in the most attractive way) in all its manifestations.

However, BRCC is always happy to partner with any business that sees itself as successful (regardless of size) and has a real goal of helping to improve our environment.

Partnership opportunities

BRCC is prepared to offer a range of sponsorship and partnership packages that will enable businesses to make a real contribution to biodiversity issues and significantly enhance their reputation amongst partners.

Long-term engagement programs

  • Sponsor BRCC
  • Become a species protector
  • Sponsor species research

One-time engagement programs

  • Sponsor one-time initiatives (discussed);
  • Sponsor an expedition (car rental, fuel);
  • “Top up" an eagle’s cellular account

Partnership programs

  • Free plan (telcom);
  • Information sponsor (media)
  • Scientific sponsor (laboratories)

Become a volunteer
Please contact us to discuss.