Get involved
Become a species protector
Your organization can sponsor one of BRCC’s target species in Kazakhstan.
Your funds can support conservation and scientific initiatives, species reintroduction, biotechnical activities, and much more. Funds may be used for any type of activities specified in the agreement.
“Species Protector” organizations are mentioned in all news and publications about the selected species.
Sponsorship starts from USD$50,000 per year.
Become a species science sponsor
Your organization can support research on a rare and endangered species in Kazakhstan.
Your funds would only support research projects, including analytical and field research, laboratory services, etc.
“Scientific Sponsor” organizations are mentioned in all publications for this species.
Sponsorship starts from USD$25,000 per year.
Sponsor an expedition
Your organization can support an expedition to study a single species or group of species by a team of BRCC experts.
Your funds can support transport (fuel, vehicle rental) and travel (accommodation and meals in the field) purchase or rental of special equipment (binoculars, spotting scopes, etc.).
“Expedition Sponsor” organizations are mentioned in all publications related to this expedition.
Sponsorship starts from USD$5,000 per year.
“Donate to BRCC”
Your financial assistance will be used for a variety of BRCC purposes.
“Top up" an eagle’s celluar account
Your financial assistance will be used exclusively to pay mobile operator SMS expenses generated by GPS transmitters that we use to track birds on their active migratory routes.
FIle a Complaint
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Pellentesque quis condimentum turpis. Quisque porta ac quam eget ornare. Ut blandit magna a tincidunt porta. Vivamus malesuada hendrerit sem, vitae vulputate nisi molestie et. Nullam mollis nulla mauris, eu commodo risus porttitor id. Vivamus eleifend diam purus, quis luctus risus laoreet non. Vivamus congue, risus ac suscipit egestas, nisi ex posuere odio, sed varius dolor risus eu nulla. Curabitur eget felis nec odio luctus rutrum et non turpis.
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