The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund


The Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund (CEPF) was established in 2000 to address biodiversity issues. The fund supports initiatives to empower civil society in developing countries and countries in transition to protect the world's biodiversity hotspots, which are among the most biologically rich and threatened terrestrial ecosystems on Earth. CEPF is a joint initiative of the French Development Agency, Conservation International, the European Union, the Global Environment Facility, the Government of Japan and the World Bank.

Through technical assistance and grants totaling more than $277 million to more than 2,600 civil society organizations and individuals, CEPF has contributed to the conservation of more than 1,000 IUCN Red List threatened and endangered species and strengthened management and protection in 51.6 million hectares of key biodiversity areas. More than 4,900 societies in key biodiversity hotspots have directly benefited from CEPF-funded projects - through improved access to clean water, better land management and greater participation in decision-making processes.

By supporting the development of conservation strategies for key biodiversity hotspots that are defined by local contributions, and providing grants to civil society (non-governmental organizations, private sector and academic organizations) to implement these strategies, CEPF seeks to protect biodiversity, build long-term local conservation leadership, and promote sustainable development.

BRCC projects supported by CEPF:

Links to official CEPF pages:

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