A kite tagged in Kazakhstan crossed the equator and stopped in Mozambique

A total of 18 young kites were tagged with GPS/GSM trackers in June 2024. The work was carried out in western Kazakhstan with the participation of ornithologists from the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno (Czech Republic), the Russian Raptor Research and Conservation Network (Russia) and the Center for Biodiversity Research and Conservation (Kazakhstan).

Kites nest on the territory of Kazakhstan, but they fly to warm countries for the winter. But in which countries do Kazakhstani kites winter? This question has long kept scientists in suspense.
One of the birds really surprised us. A young kite, tagged in Western Kazakhstan on June 16, 2024, crossed the equator during its fall migration! But the record-breaker did not stop there and flew further. The final point of his journey was Mozambique, a country in South Africa on the Indian Ocean coast!


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