Announcement of online seminars on “Birds and the Electricity Industry”
On December 3 and 4, 2024, the BRCC team will organize two online seminars on the problem of bird deaths at power generation facilities and ways and methods to address it.
On December 3 at 17:00 Astana time (GMT+5) a seminar "Birds and energy: Modern challenges and solutions", addressed to environmentalists, ESG officers, specialists in sustainable development of energy companies, designing or implementing projects in the field of electric power industry.
Main topics covered during the lecture
- Relevance of the problem
- How birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
- How many and which birds die at overhead power lines and wind power plants
- Applicable international and national environmental requirements
- Modern solutions, extended overview
- Basic approaches to conducting biodiversity research
On December 4 at 14:00 Astana time (GMT+5), a presentation of modern bird protection solutions based on artificial intelligence from ProtecBird GMBH will be held. This presentation will be of interest to owners of wind farms and wind farms, representatives of energy companies, investment banks and other financial institutions.
• Contributor: Ertolf Keba (commercial director of ProtecBird GMBH)
• Language: Russian
The main issues covered during the presentation:
• Overview of German legislation and standard practice
• Test framework for ACS in Schleswig-Holstein
• Technological advances in bird detection and monitoring (market trends and key players)
• Opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence in species identification
• Methods of scaring birds: prospects and difficulties
• Main results of flight speed research, trajectories and heights of birds
• Questions and Answers
We invite all interested parties to participate in the seminars!
Добрый день!
Спасибо за организацию семинара, со своей стороны хотел бы предложить рассмотреть Вам актуальную информацию о крупнейших инвестиционных проектах в электроэнергетической отрасли Казахстана, Узбекистана, Таджикистана, Армении, Кыргызстана и Азербайджана, активно реализуемых в 2024-2025 годах;
исследование включает мониторинг реализации инвестиционных планов крупнейших компаний; структурированное описание инвестиционных проектов с указанием контактных данных участников реализации проекта (заказчика, инвестора, застройщика, генподрядчика, проектировщика, поставщиков оборудования и других участников проекта).
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