The BRCC is soliciting bids and invites legal consulting firms (or individual lawyers) to perform legal support work on a project to amend the regulatory legal acts on bird safety on power lines

We are looking for lawyers as executors on the Terms of Reference for legal execution and support of the project of legislative and technical documents within the framework of "Promotion of Conservation of Birds of Prey of Kazakhstan", realized with the support of the "Conservation of rare species animals and plants fund".

The main tasks to be solved by the contractor within the framework of this technical specification:

  1. Correct legal drafting and adaptation of proposed documents and language on bird deaths on overhead power lines (OPL).
  2. Assistance and legal support in conducting Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) on the package of changes (draft Standard, Comparative Table on changes to regulatory legal acts (RLA) on bird deaths at overhead power lines).
  3. Legal and expert support during discussions on proposed amendments to RLAs, including advice on how to secure and/or transfer rights to the standard being developed.

The full text of the technical specification can be found by downloading the document at the link.

Terms of Reference - legal support (PDF)

Our contacts:

Nurlan Ongarbayev, BRCC Executive Director

Email:, +7 701 757 0051

Dmitry Zhukov - Project Manager, , +7 747 557 9574

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